3:25 am
Marc Mosko, 1996
There's a beeping in my head.
It sounds like an alarm, a digital clock,
but the sound is soft, not alarming.
Just annoying.

There are voices in my head.
They lecture me on what I should have done,
what I must do, what I ought not to do.
I cannot ignore them.

There's a meeting in my head.
I counsel myself, planning projects,
designing schematics, drawing conclusions.
I am too interested to postpone them.

There's a classroom in my head.
I lecture to friends and loves about
my philosophy. Analogy and metaphor
flow from me in cogent discourse.
I wish I could repeat it.

I roll over and wiggle an AC charger
plugged in the wall. At least
the beeping goes away.

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All content Copyright © 1997, Marc Mosko.